Application Audition Teen Ensemble

The SHOWTIME Teen Ensemble

Designed for participants ages 15-19 years who are interested in a more advanced and intensive education in the performing arts. Participants will need to audition for this course as places are limited.

Classes will be held throughout the SHOWTIME semester on Fridays from 19.00-21.30h. The first semester (15 weeks) will focus on acting scene study and character development, with occasional vocal and movement training workshops. The ensemble will focus on devising and putting together an original showcase for an invited audience, as well as participation in the SHOWTIME Musical Concert at the MUTH theatre. The second semester (15 weeks plus the occasional Saturday) will be a more intensive rehearsal period in which the students will work together on a public theatre and/or musical theatre performance.

Please find the online registration for the Teen Ensemble Audition below.

application form

* required fields

Student Details:

Surname *: First Name *:
Date of Birth *:  
Sex *: Preferred pronoun:
Address *:
Postcode *: City *:
Mobile Phone Student:    
Email Student:
How did you first hear about SHOWTIME?
English native speaker Bilingual Austrian school level

Parent or Legal Guardian:

Surname *: First Name *:
Relationship to Student:    

Address :

Street *:
Postcode *: City *:
Email *:
Phone 1 *: Phone 2:

Second Parent or other Emergency Contact:
Surname: First Name:
Relationship to Student:    
Phone *:    

I would like to reserve a place for the following course(s):
Teen Ensemble Audition September 2025 (Details will be announced) no fee


Declaration by parent / legal guardian:

I declare that the information given in this application is correct, and hereby apply for a place for my child at SHOWTIME.
I have read and accepted the terms and conditions. I agree for SHOWTIME to save the personal dates given in this application for its own archival and accounting purposes and for SHOWTIME to use any photos taken during class gratuitously for its own promotional purposes.
